Thursday, 12 July 2012

Big Truck Games

Big Truck Games

When I told all my friends I was building an electric car, people came out of the woodwork to help me. A friend who works in construction said that they were scrapping out their welding cable, and asked if I wanted it. “Sure!”. He showed up a few hours later and dropped off 150’ of 2/0 welding cable in my driveway. Wow - several hundred dollars of battery cable for free! Thanks Mike!
That’s just the tip of the iceberg. A lot of the other magic was things like “Do you know Hotrod Jim? He might be able to give you a hand!” Indeed he did. When I visited Jim, he  was doing custom work on a mint ’57 Chevy that looked like it had been hand-dipped in chrome. I explained my project. Jim said he’s never worked on an electric car before. Suddenly, helping me out was at the top of HIS project list.
But why have I been wasting your time with several paragraphs about an OLD project? Because this is really about the newest one.
For some time, I’ve had an idea rattling around in my head. It just keeps rattling around in there, getting louder, and I can’t get rid of it....

Big Truck Games

 Big Truck Games

Big Truck Games

  Big Truck Games

Big Truck Games

  Big Truck Games

Big Truck Games

Big Truck Games

1 comment:

  1. Playing truck games can be double fun than using mini driving games.

    truck games
